

4.5 din 5 stele


Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: November 10, 2007
Gen: Female
Oraș: brussels
Anul nașterii: 48
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Brown
Lungimea părului: Short
Mărimea bustului: Medium (B), Enhanced
Înălțime: 175
Constituție: Slim, Ultra sexy
Fumător: Heavy smoker
  • French (Conversational)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Dutch (Fluent)


Disponibilitate: La tine:
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: +49 172 746 22 22

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Cu limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Vă rog selectați
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Da
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
one night - 1800€€
Aspect - 9/10
Serviciu - 9/10
Shona is a very beautiful lady! Dressed-up and on her high-heels, she’s simply spectacular: tall, slender, endless legs, thin ankles, long neck, perfect proportions and a look to die for; when she was younger (not so long ago) she used to model and... it shows! I have found that often models look better dressed-up than naked, as sometimes they are too slim for my taste; this is certainly not the case for Shona. Her body is perfectly proportioned and fabulously sexy, her legs are long and muscular, her butt small and firm and her breasts, although enhanced, remain remarkable both look-wise and (more surprisingly) feeling-wise. To upheld my reputation as a fussy reviewer I’d say that her facial skin is not perfect... that said, I know several ladies who would be ready to kill to get her skin! I don’t know which superlatives to use to describe Shona’s performance in bed (btw, "in bed" is an euphemism that can be replaced by "on the sofa", "on the floor", "against the wall", "in the bathtub", etc.). Shona is eager to please, her technique is quasi-perfect and her limits impossible to reach in a first meeting! Of course, all acronyms of this hobby (DFK, OWO, CIM, CIF, COB, A, etc.) are offered spontaneously and delivered con gusto e maestria. No need to go into gory details, but... I cannot resist the temptation of relating my "rape": one hour (and one bottle of champagne) after we met in my hotel, we were ready to go for dinner. Shona asked to visit the bathroom and I was about to put on my jacket... To my utter surprise (mean it!) Shona emerged from the bathroom not in her black-dress but... in fabulously sexy lingerie... a few seconds later, she was all over me... I must admit that despite my forceful resistance ;-) less than 5 minutes later we were standing against a wall practicing A-levels!!... Needless to say, that dinner was greatly enjoyed (later!) However, the experience was somewhat less than perfect... I appreciate that this is a totally subjective matter but... social time with Shona was not as good as I would have expected from a Venus lady. Please, don’t get me wrong: she is a very pleasant lady, smart, down-to-earth and often quite funny; dinning with her was a very pleasant moment... but... ... Shona somewhat lacks, for now, the distinction and class that differentiate "good" escorts from "great" escorts; she’s like a "diamond" that did not yet have the opportunity to be cut and polished... It wouldn’t be important (or even noticeable) if Shona was not so brilliant in all other dimensions, but given the expectations that’s she raises with her looks and performance it’s IMHO a pity that her social skills are not yet up to the same level... That said, I’m not really worried, as I’m certain that Astrid’s coaching can address this issue promptly. And as far as I’m concerned, I plan to monitor Shona’s progress regularly! ;-)