

3.3 din 5 stele


Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: July 22, 2007
Gen: Female
Oraș: brussels
Anul nașterii: 39
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Chestnut
Lungimea părului: Shoulder
Mărimea bustului: Very Large (D), Natural
Înălțime: 165
Constituție: Curvy, Sexy
Fumător: Smoker but will not if asked
  • French (Fluent)
  • English (Fluent)


Disponibilitate: La mine:
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: +32479391090

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Cu limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Vă rog selectați
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Nu
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
6 hours - 900€€
Aspect - 6/10
Serviciu - 7/10
Thalia is a young student who escorts (probably only occasionally) to supplement her revenues; we recently met in Brussels for a particularly pleasant, and yet last-minute, meeting. Thalia is not very tall and has some extra kilos (a bit more than just "baby fat"); she’s certainly not unpleasant to the eye, but she would definitely improve by losing a few kilos. Social time with her is absolutely exquisite: she’s "fresh", still totally unspoiled by her part-time "job" and comes with a naturally pleasant and easy-going attitude that only very young girls have. Despite (or because of?) the fast and uninterruptible flaw of words coming out of her mouth, I found myself enjoying the moment and laughing to tears with her jokes. Thalia is naturally curious about everything and anything and social time with her flies... OK, we have not discussed nuclear physics (one of my specialties, as everyone knows!) but our discussion was very interesting and particularly pleasant. Action started slowly and very naturally: we started touching each other, kissing lightly, then a bit more heavily and, in a totally natural way, we ended-up in bed. As I mentioned earlier, Thalia is a bit chubby but, given her very young age her body is very firm. She’s graced with a particularly advantageous pair of breasts (a clear understatement!) and certainly knows how to use them (a second understatement) for pleasing her man! Her attitude in bed reflects her qualities outside of it: Thalia is natural, easy-going and eager to please. Her technique is above average, with a special mention to her cow-girl, which she obviously enjoys (very much!). She kisses as if her life depended on it and her BBBJ (be it the "slow" version, or the "rough" one) is particularly enjoyable... what a pity that CIM is not part of her services... She craves for the favour to be returned and she lets no doubt that she thoroughly enjoys it. She’s game for many things and will not stop until her partner throws in the towel (which shamefully I had to do after round 3)... Concluding the review is quite hard: Thalia is physically not at par with some of the stunning ladies featured in this site and her list of services is rather limited... However, our meeting was thoroughly enjoyable and I had to call the agency twice to extend our original meeting duration! (first time this year!) I endeavour to follow the site’s guidelines and remain consistent with my grading, hence Thalia’s relatively low marks... The overall meeting though, was much better than the sum of its parts! To be repeated. 8)