
Created on:
November 19, 2008
Birth year:
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Hair length:
Bust size:
Very Large (D), Natural
Curvy, Sexy
Non smoker
- English (Fluent)
Incall:, Outcall:
Accept Trios:
2 girls + one man
visit website - send email
[email protected]
Reviews Add
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
3 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Our world rotates around sexual fantasy,devling into domination and submission,the sensual and the erotic.We play with our mind as well as our body.On this day nothing can go wrong.A experienced lady,excellent balance between intimacy and professionalism.The erotic amosphere is set right from the start,accurate info,services,she is a stunner!!Something to remember,for those who have a need for an uncommon erotic date this Sexual bomb can show you what can be done.--beauty with brain,--a simple sentence to sum up:sexy,interesting,adventurous,very tasteful.Will return.
- Kiss: Without tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
I want to confirm if you have the chance to meet her,you are in line for a great appointment,excellent skills,powerfully sexy,seductive,An extraordinary mega-pleasure to be with.That is all.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
She is alive with the full meaning of the word" this special lady you cannot compare with other escorts due to her extreme personality and style.She pressed all the right buttons.
Carolinaaaa is only one :-) :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
3 hours -
Looks -
Service -
She can easily understand her partners likes and dislikes and she is eager to offer the maximum pleasure.She is very attractive , responsive, elegant , outstandingly experienced, real dynamite.
Intimate time with her is always something new.I don’t know if it was me that she liked or she is like that , but she is the best I have ever been with! As I can’t rate her more, my score is 9,5 /9,5 In All. Thanks babe all the Best .
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
4 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Meeting was in Paris early this month in 14th district in a charming Parisian apartment.Her stay was 4 days only so it was a chance to see her as she had informed me about her schedule before she went for holidays.I am very happy we had a chance to meet,i thought nothing can surprise me anymore.No rush and the word No does not exist in her book.I think that this women’s attitude you will love and experiment everything in a natural way.I’m a new member so i can’t rate her higher for me 9,5 score for attitude,services ,looks.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
one night -
Looks -
Service -
I met Carolina in London when she was there in February. I had heard some very good things about her, that she was a good combination of a lady who loves sex but with an interesting personality, which is my favorite combination...
First of all, I have to say that Carolina is a truly beautiful lady. She is very well-groomed. I was very proud to be her companion in a nice restaurant in West London. Carolina proved to be an excellent conversationalist, speaking native-level English with only a slight (and very sexy) accent.
When we arrived back to the hotel, Carolina immediately turned from the demure restaurant companion into an insatiable sex beast!!!! She undressed for me in a most arousing manner, I was rock hard for her, and she gave me one of the most intense blow jobs I have had in my life. Before I could cum, she told me, "Not yet, My Dear..."
As a gentleman, I will not comment on the rest of the private time, except to say that everything others have said is true.
She just never has enough, she wont stop until she gets you tired, my friends....
In the morning, I was sad to say goodbye to this sweet angel of sin.
Carolina is a woman with style, intelligence and sex, with a beautiful face and perhaps the most beautiful ass I have ever seen - with her flexibility she is something else...
During private time Carolina gives the very best mix, her kisses are absolutely sweet and full of passion.
Would highly recommend, and I intend to see her again on her next trip to London town.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
one night -
Looks -
Service -
I met Carolina in London when she was there in February. I had heard
some very good things about her some , that she was a good combination of a
lady who loves sex but with an interesting personality, which is my
favorite combination...
First of all, I have to say that Carolina is a truly beautiful lady.
She is very well-groomed. I was very proud to be her companion in a
nice restaurant in West London. Carolina proved to be an excellent
conversationalist, speaking native-level English with only a slight
(and very sexy) accent.
When we arrived back to the hotel, Carolina immediately turned from the
demure restaurant companion into an insatiable sex beast!!!! She
undressed for me in a most arousing manner, I was rock hard for her,
and she gave me one of the most intense blow jobs I have had in my
life. Before I could cum, she told me, "Not yet, My Dear..."
As a gentleman, I will not comment on the rest of the private time,
except to say that everything others have said is true.
She just never has enough, she wont stop until she gets you tired, my
In the morning, I was sad to say goodbye to this sweet angel of sin.
Carolina is a woman with style, intelligence and sex, with a beautiful
face and perhaps the most beautiful ass I have ever seen - with her
flexibility she is something else...
During private time Carolina gives the very best mix, her kisses are
absolutely sweet and full of passion.
Would highly recommend, and I intend to see her again on her next trip
to London town. (Looks 9.50; Service 10.00)
:D :D :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Toujours a la recherche de jeunes femmes qui sortent de "l’ordinaire",après la merveilleuse ZSAZSA,mon choix s’est porté sur une autre polonaise ,CAROLINA,et je n’ai, ça c’est sure , pas à le regretter, bien au contraire ce fut 2H de plaisirs intenses et variés, avec une femme drole, enjouée, inventive, spontanée et sincère
Une parenthèse,je me demande toujours pourquoi les punters aux centaines de revues à
leur actif ne vont jamais visiter ce genre d’escort, c’est un mystère!!!
C’est vrai que beaucoup adorent les supermarchés, moi je préfère les petites boutiques à l’ambiance personnalisée
Chacun son truc!!!
Présentant que CAROLINA venait à PARIS pour un court séjour, je m’y suis pris une semaine à l’avance pour la booker à partir de son site,qui entre autre est très bien fait, ainsi on peut faire son choix dans les différentes formule proposées
Dans nos différents emails échangés avant de fixer la date et l’heure du rendez vous, je lui ai donné juste quelques pistes , préférant laisser place à l’improvisation
Et là je dois dire que j’ai été à la fois gaté et comblé
CAROLINA m’a reçu dans un très joli appartement du 18eme ce qui n’est pas habituel A l’heure précise je sonne a sa porte, et la une bombe me tombe sur le rable, éclats de rires, baisers langoureux,parfum enivrant , dresscode magnifique comme suggéré, lumière tamisée agrémentée de dizaines de petits lampions et de pétales de fleurs
Sur sa demande j’avais apporté, une bonne bouteille de vin blanc, et tout en trinquant joyeusement , elle commence à m’ouvrir la braguette, je crois que je vais la violer, mais non! elle se lève pour aller chercher un joli petit paquet, c’est la première fois qu’une escort me fait un cadeau, un beau livre de lingerie fine, et un jeu de carte érotique
Que faire que de me livrer totalement aux désirs de MADAME
Avec beaucoup de tact elle me propose de me raser l’anus, tout en me massant le corps avec des huiles parfumées, pis me retourne comme une crèpe, s’ensuit une fellation exceptionnelle, bouffage de la rondelle sensationnelle,jeux de toys infernal,69 d’anthologie (elle a une chatte sublime,un cul ferme et musclé, un anus qui s’ouvre à chaque coup de langue ) puis elle s’attaque à mes tétons, alternant les suçons et et les mordillements, afin me souffle t elle que je me souvienne d’elle longtemps, je bande comme jamais, alors elle m’enfile le condom, me conduit au canapé me présente son cul, me demande de l’enfiler sans modération, ce que je fais avec enthousiasme
Je l’ai bien limé 10 minutes tandis qu’elle se carressait le clito, nous avons explosé ensemble en grognant comme des porcs, my god quelle partie de cul !!
Normalement j’aurais du m’écrouler d’épuisement, mais après une gorgée de vin blanc elle m’a ressauté sur le rable a commencé a m’attacher les boules avec un bas,a me martyriser la verge avec une petite tapette en cuir, je ne savais plus ou j’étais
Ce mélange de souffrance et de sensualité, enivré par son parfum envoutant, excité par ses seins qui se promenaient sur mes tétons douloureux, je me suis mis à rebander comme
un cerf ,et quand elle s’est empalée sur moi sans bouger avec son regard de chienne, j’ai jouis tétanisé par la brulure venat du plus profond de mon ventre
Nous somme restés longtemps avachis l’un sur l’autre , je n’arrivais pas à m’extraire de ce corps voluptueux comme un chien de rue
J’étais venu pour 2H , je suis resté 3h
Carolina est une nana hors du commun, un personnage rare, un diable, un ange en tous les cas un cocktail explosif , un mélange délicieux de domination et de douceur,en tous les cas une tranche de vie exceptionnelle dont je me souviendrais toute ma vie
En partant elle me dis qu’elle est très jalouse, que maintenant je lui appartiens,évidement je ne peux que lui promettre fidélité, mais cela c’est une autre histoire!!!! promesse de punter........
J’ai mis des notes maximum, mais je vous laisse faire avec CAROLINA votre propre expérience, ça ne peut pas plaire a tout le monde
Salut les amis
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Ca faisait donc deux ans que j’attendais de la revoir. Elle me voulait comme première rencontre pour son come back en France car on est resté en contact et une connivence certaine existe entre nous. Elle m’a fait un sacré cadeau mais , ça , je me le garde pour moi. Sinon, que dire si ce n’est que ce fut une rencontre dantesque emplie de folie et de fun, façon cabaret.Cette fille adore faire plaisir à ceux qu’elle apprécie et aime quand il y a de l"actiooonnnn". Depuis la dernière fois, elle s’est affirmée mais ,c’est une danseuse, son corps est ferme et elle a un de ces fessiers, la peau dorée par le soleil grec. Personnalité entière et débordante de vie, rencontrer Carolina est une expérience en soi mais si vous n’êtes pas sensible à l’exubérance(Ne vous trompez pas, elle est d’une intelligence et d’une finesse d’esprit redoutables) et à la fraicheur, vous risquez d’être quelque peu décontenancé. Sans oublier qu’il fait avoir une sacrée condition physique pour suivre la belle qui vous entoure, vous enlace,vous enduit de mixtures,vous aveugle d’un bandeau vous malaxe, vous harcèle de ses assauts sur le lit couvert de pétales, entouré de ses objets diaboliques, cravaches,boules de geisha et autres objets phalliques.A chaque rencontre, elle m’a fait découvrir une nouvelle pratique, une nouvelle sensation. La meilleure fellation que je connaisse et le tout en délirant et en s’amusant. Exemple de cette gourmandise, je m’étais levé super tôt, la nuit avait été courte, bossé le matin avant de prendre le train qui m’emmenait 6 heures plus tard rejoindre cette diabolique Polonaise que je désespérais de revoir, sans oublier l’envie et l’excitation de la sentir et de la toucher. Je n’étais pas en forme. Mais le premier round se déroula "we’re gonna destroy this appartment" me crachait elle à l’oreille. Epuisé, en sa compagnie, je me rendis dans le salon où m’attendait un verre. Elle me sussura "I want some action" et là elle s’employa avec sa bouche, sa salive, sa poitrine, je repris vigueur et explosai de plaisir. Elle se lova sur moi. L’heure approchait de mon départ, attendu que j’étais....sourire ce en carnassier de la belle,elle se mis de nouveau face à moi à quatre pattes et m’entreprit. Mais là, j’étais persuadé qu’elle s’escrimait pour rien, ce que mon heure ravie mais dépité voulait lui faire comprendre. Elle se leva, me dit de m’enfoncer sur le sofa où je me tenais. Et là, elle me surplomba, m’offrant son sexe en pature, elle, sa bouche avalant mon sexe flétri.Résurrection, de la folie, tel Lazare, j’éjaculais de nouveau au plus grand bonheur de Karolina. Cette fille est à part!
Et si Zsa Zsa revient en sa compagnie , je ne donne pas cher de ma peau
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Not asked
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Deer Carolina,
I would like to say Thank you for the time that we shared together. It was so pleasant that I have only one word to describe what I lived :
If you are sad, if you want some fun, if you want to flush your mind during few hours, if you want to do things that you have never done before, I have the medication : it’s called Carolina.
I did not see the time and I have regreted to have taken only 2 hours. I would have liked to explore more things with you. Everything was good and (Oh Damned !) I regret to have been in a bad form.
You are a so kindly person. Take care about you.
I am sorry, as I am a new member of the site, I cannot give notes more than 7.5 but it should be more !
Hoping to see you again in Paris and thinking about our next date,
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
This lady knows the way,we met in November,Carolina enjoys every second of her time with you,loves what she is doing,sophisticated ,far above average for her service -KINKY-all -that you want ,everything that wont come to your mind ,comes to hers.
She loves to suck,deep and wet,sometimes i wonder what the hell she will do to me again!!
.She can be the perfect 3rd your meeting,well i had the chance to have it and one of the best untill now.See you soon misses
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
She opened the door wearing only a very sexy lingerie with her Louboutin Pumps : ). Carolina and I hit it off from the start. She talks,she walks ,she takes you to the next level.She prepares you before you meet her,Knows how to give her 300% in her approach .She is very fun and it s very easy to have a conversation with her so it was easy to make a connection. She gets hot and steamy and things just roll along pretty quick and her services was excellent. I was amazed of the amount of services that she provides ace to her homepage, and honestly I never had the chance of asking her to do me any of her services as she never left a gap for me to ask about anything...she provided everything one could imagine. She Dominate me the way I like and gave the best BJ I ever had... I dont normally like A level this one was one i wont forget,she likes to play with her Pink balls,,,that are used for multipale ways.while your inside her..her killer dildos looking cosmic . Carolina ...took me to the exploding level and eased off several times. I felt myself as in my own porno movie. On again for some cowgirl and doggie..she was very tight and receptive. When about to come while she was riding me, she jumps off whips the condom off and starts a awesome Deep throat that she loves ,till the end of her throat Finishes me with a big smile on her face.
She provided me with one of my most intense orgasms took me a joyous couple of minutes to recover from the intensity. She has a very nice ass in my opinion and so doggie was a pleasure. Normally I dont fancy A-level Like i said before since most of the girls doesnt like it they refuse to do it, but Carolina LOVES it and asked me gently if I could pleasure her doing her , it was so exciting the whole meeting,very flexible lady indeed.
She s sophisticated and Hot so be a gentlemen & Treat her Well.She enjoys her job and is far and above average with her service and passion with it .So comunication before you meet this lady is worth to meeting her again .For sure out of the ordinary and great personality and person inside.In my opinion recommended for Long meetings !!I am new on this site and could not give her more rating , but she is for sure a 10 on all. I know it s been a while since we met but I feel I owe this review to all the guys out there since I know how helpful it is to have a review when choosing someone to meet. Well ....Carolina see you soon.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
She opened the door wearing only a very sexy lingerie with her Louboutin Pumps : ). Carolina and I hit it off from the start. She talks,she walks ,she takes you to the next level. She prepares you before you meet her, Knows how to give her 300% in her approach .She is very fun and it s very easy to have a conversation with her so it was easy to make a connection. She gets hot and steamy and things just roll along pretty quick and her services was excellent. I was amazed of the amount of services that she provides ace to her homepage, and honestly I never had the chance of asking her to do me any of her services as she never left a gap for me to ask about anything...she provided everything one could imagine. She Dominate me the way I like and gave the best BJ I ever had... I dont normally like A level, this one was one i wont forget, she likes to play with her Pink balls,,,that are used for multipale ways.while your inside her..her killer dildos looking cosmic .... Carolina ...took me to the exploding level and eased off several times. I felt myself as in my own porno movie. On again for some cowgirl and doggie..she was very tight and receptive. When about to come while she was riding me, she jumps off whips the condom off and starts an awesome Deep throat that she loves , till the end of her throat Finishes me with a big smile on her face.
She provided me with one of my most intense orgasms took me a joyous couple of minutes to recover from the intensity. She has a very nice ass in my opinion and so doggie was a pleasure. Normally I dont fancy A-level Like i said before since most of the girls doesnt like it, they refuse to do it, but Carolina LOVES it and asked me gently if I could pleasure her doing her , it was so exciting the whole meeting,very flexible lady indeed.
She s sophisticated and Hot so be a gentlemen & Treat her Well. She enjoys her job and is far and above average with her service and passion with it . So comunication before you meet this lady is worth to meeting her again . For sure out of the ordinary and great personality and person inside. In my opinion recommended for Long meetings !!Well .......Carolina see you in November.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
24 hours -
Looks -
Service -
After some amazing 4-hour meetings with Carolina i decided to try also a 24 hour. And i must admit that with Carolina its not easy to put on paper the experience you have with her… You have to live to believe…
Its common to read about great looks,great services etc.But with Carolina everything is in another level.
The social time is great,she is smart, and with a great sense of humor. But will never use it to waste your time. The most important is that she really enjoys what she is doing. I wont go into details about the sex part.If you just visit her site you will understand she really offers full service. But whatever you are into, you will experience it to the full. She is fantastic to whatever she is doing and could really bring any of your wildest or well hidden fantasies to life. She is so passionate about it…But most important -she enjoys what she DOES.
If you would like to experiance Bondage " or any Games she offers -she is worth meeting for Longer!!!.
To short it out,she is a wonderful woman in and out that loves what she’s doing. You can experience whatever you dream of, in the best way you could ever imagine.
Just should have in mind that your life will never be the same after meeting her,and that is something that everyone deserves to himself…Im a new memeber here but not knew in this ...for me she is 9,5 for looks and 10 for her service and attitude. like some members have mentioned before she is Top and will stay in the Top Escorts Charts for as long as she can.
Carolina thank you again for our meeting -
"Bondage Lover "
Bondage Lover
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
one night -
Looks -
Service -
We set up our date as soon as i knew my travel schedule,exchanged emails,spoke over the phone,very polite and sweet voice...
For those that are looking for a real individual,strong character,real lady-extremely fun in and out of the bedroom,she will push you,and push your boundaries...Amazing level of what she loves to warm you up with ,openminded ,has her way to guide you. All i will add is im a new member and for her attitude and our meeting she deserves 9,5 and 10 for service..
Carolina -thank you for this meeting,this is your "Captain" speaking... :D :D
kon J
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: No
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
Looks -
Service -
Sorry wrong review for wrong lady
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
4 hours -
Looks -
Service -
That’s the first impression you get when you see Caro, no matter how many times you have met her before..
Every time is always something new. She just has the way to amaze you any time. You don’t have to ask for a specific dress code, she knows what to wear for every occasion and for every client. The best thing is that Caro don’t see you as a client, you are her friend and she makes you feel like home.
Caro would just be perfect and always manage to make your fantasy come true.
I don’t know how she is doing it but you don’t have to speak, she just knows what you want by looking your eyes. It’s like she is in your mind and just knows.
I could die just for seeing her look. She is the woman you want to be with for the rest of your life. Every moment is a different one. You’re never get bored with her.
She can just get your adrenaline to the higher level. Every time is like a new adventure starting over.
4 hours with her is just so little. You don’t understand how quickly those hours pass by. And 4 hours without her is like ages. She is really an addiction and a strong one but one you don’t want to leave behind.
I thank God for creating Eva because if he hadn’t done that women, and especially Caro, wouldn’t exist. Thank you God for your present at men kind!!!!
Thank you sweet Caro for changing my life.
See you next time.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
one night -
Looks -
Service -
I already knew Carolina rather well from previous encounters, and she kept on mentioning her friend Moni, and that we would have a blast if the 3 of us met up. I am not generally a big fan of 3-somes. In my experience, either the girls know each other very well and concentrate on each other, leading me to feeling ’left out’, OR the girls don’t know each other and don’t click at all, and you spend more time making sure they are comfortable than enjoying yourself.
But I eventually gave in to Carolina’s suggestions (she can be very good at the art of persuasion!:-)), and arranged to meet Carolina and Moni for an overnight in London.
Carolina looks better than ever. I would estimate that she has put on 3 kilos since I met her last time, but this looks good on her, as it gives her that "Brazilian-butt", which she knows how to use very well, as is well documented elsewhere.
Moni is really very attractive, much more so than on her pictures, she is a real ’head turner’, as others in the bar were trying to get a good look at her as well. She has a very fit body, tight and well formed, is well manicured, has long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes.
So, then, a nice combination for a 3-some, dark hair and blonde hair... It was very clear that they were genuinely good friends and very comfortable with each others company. Dinner was very fun, as they both have a wicked sense of humour, and they made a lot of suggestive comments about what was going to happen later.
And so to bed....
To my great relief, this wasn’t a ’watch two girls getting it on while I voyeuristically watch but don’t get to play much’ experience, as both Moni and Carolina made me the focus of activities, and took turns giving me their full attention, and while one was busy with me, the other would be doing a beautifully obscene ’dildo play’ on the armchair next to us. This sensory overload was fantastic. Clearly, you need to be fit to put up with their insatiable appetite, but if you have the physical stamina, then Moni and Carolina are an ideal choice for an active 3-some.
Sex with Carolina is a PSE-style experience, with A-level gladly offered, while Moni offers more of a GFE-style experience. Both enjoy sensuality and eroticism, and genuinely love what they do.
So, to sum up, these two are both very beautiful, very sexual, very comfortable with each other, but are more heterosexual than bisexual, so turn their full attention to you, as opposed to each other.
And they are a lovely pair to know outside of bed as well....
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
4 hours -
Looks -
Service -
I am a new member and tha’s my first review.
What ever I say is less than what I felt with her during our meeting. She knew what I wanted or thinking before I even say something. She is more than perfect. In those 4 hours I even forgot my name. If I had a dilemma between a sure place in heaven and Carolina then I would prefer to go to hell just for seeing her eyes once more.Spending those 4 hours with Carolina I realized that simply is not enough with her, because she is unique in everything she is every service she is giving she is all energetic, like striking you light. I wont say any details,I will just leave your fantasy to think the rest even if it has been said many time. All arrangment by her was perfect, the comunication threw e-mail was outstanding and she replied to every detail I ask. 4 hours was just so little. Thank you for your time Carolina.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
1 hour -
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She is very strange when you know for first time.As time pass with her you feel better as you have on your hands a small pussycat.Excelent GFE and at the same time PSE.She is the best in anal sex and she like it. :D :D :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
3 hours -
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Every time, that I meet Carolina is like the first time. Always she teaches me something new. Never the same things. Every one knows that she is more beautiful than her pictures. I am looking forward to see her again on November.
Thanks Carolina for our personal time. :D :D :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Not asked
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
4 days or more -
The right price€
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Il solo fatto che abbia scelto Carolina, per un’occasione speciale come puo’ essere indubbiamente una vacanza a Santorini, la dice lunga su cosa io pensi di lei.
E’ una persona speciale, capace di sorprenderti sempre, divertente, vulcanica, elegante e...dannatamente sexi.
Molto piu’ di quanto le pur belle foto possano far immaginare.
Unforgettable Santorini for me!!!!!!
Ho incontrato molte volte Carolina, e nessun incontro è mai uguale.
L’unica costante è semmai il piacere di condividere con lei qualcosa che va oltre il semplice atto sessuale.
Perchè, pur essendo fantasiosamente e deliziosamente appagante, descrivere le sole evoluzioni sotto le coperte finisce con l’essere riduttivo se si parla di lei.
Carolina è davvero una delle pochissime escort per le quali ritengo valga la pena di fare un long meeting.
Certo....chi dovesse optare per lo short time realizzerebbe cosa significhi trovarsi tra quattro pareti in compagnia del Diavolo...In quel caso tanti tanti auguri ai deboli di cuore.
:D :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
1 hour 30 -
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So far carolina is the best escort i have see and sure i see her again . Wat can i say abut carolina !!! Anithig i say is very litle if dont see her . The services is is moore that i aspect , she make my fantasi real come true . Thenks carolina you ar the best of the best !!!! The 7,5 is because i am looking like new member bat i am in serching escort abut 2 years a go
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 days -
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I have been in this hobby for quite some time having met some of the stars, the rising stars and the rejects of the industry. What I mean is, I like to feel that I am not with a money hunter or just a sex machine. Well Carolina is none of the above. She is a rare gem that is hard to find and once you get it, you can’t do without. Carolina is a real lady. I first met her 3 years ago in Vienna and since then it happened again and again, for the simple reason that I found in her my soul mate, my sex mate, my buddy. This time it was during my summer break and arranged that we spend some time together at my house in Mykonos. She’s been around for a while so it was the perfect timing to see her! All I can say is that she gets better and better as time passes. She enjoys herself and you can see that!!! She has ideas and answers for everything, she takes initiatives... If you click with her,you see what she likes, how she reacts to things..This time it was in the pool,the shower,the staircase, the kitchen table .She wont stop the* Energizer Extesive Batteries (Bunny not included) :-) she loves the back door, she loves to be Your Boss (roles do change around at some point and her sex toys are countless, like her shoes Lady C thank you for taking care of me whenever we meet and thank you for our wonderful summer brake.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
3 hours -
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Perfect, perfect, perfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks: 9 :-)
Service: 9,5 :-)
Definitelly need to see her again !!!
D. :-)
- Kiss: No
- Sex: No
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: No
- Blowjob: No
- Extraball: Only once allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
1 hour -
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Dear escortguide fans hi,
This time my review won’t have to do anything with sex. I have met Karolina once in the past and I had an amazing sex time with her. Other fans have alreay described that.
My review today does not have to do about having sex with Karolina but it has to do just about socializing with her.
I met her yesterday just socially at her room for about an hour. What can I say...
This woman is incredible, it is so fun to be with her. Her social skills are excellent and she is "crazy" in a very positive way.She is a happy positive person, full of energy and very intelligent as well.
I was allso impressed by her good taste as she was very elegantly dressed , very beautiful and attractive. She was wearing a very nice and classy black dress with very nice high heels.
I imagine someone spending with her 24h, 48h, or even a few days at greek island I believe it would be the ultimate fun and good time!!!!
If she is so good in social time imagine the kind of intimate time you could have with her.
For me sex is great, but is not everything. Spending a very good time with a lady like Karolina is equally important.
So, I stronly suggest you to meet Karolina as you will have the time of your life in all ways
PS: Karolina, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet you socially
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
3 hours -
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Perfection! That’s the word tha describes this lady!!Outstanding services, excellent communication, conversation with a content, great sense of humour :))) . It will be hard to forget the time spent with Carolina! I am not allowed to rate her higher but she really gets a 10!!
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 days -
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Carolina will never surprised me.
Also in a period not exactly exciting for me - but i had already organized the meeting and i could not erase it - is extraordinarily able to invent a series of things that are absolutely out of the schemes traditional.
She has a great heart, is a fantastic lady out of bed, is very likeable,
and in the bed destroying you :-)
In a only word: PERFECT..
- Kiss: Without tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
1 hour -
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I met Carolina on the 10th May in Athens, now as an independent escort.What she offers is true,with passion and far above the average. Especially the anal sex. She is the ’’killer’’ in anal sex. Except all these she is very friendly and funny and a pleasure to talk with. You can visit her web page for more info of what she offers. Waiting for her coming back on June!!
Kinky eat cum drink
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
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Karo is the real Queen of escorts.
She knows the job better that everyone inside here.
The service that she provides you cant find it in another escort , for this reason she , is , was and will be the No1 until she will retired from escorting.
Very good social time and very good for company .
Recommented for long meetings and every penny you spend will pay you back in double.
Thanks Karo for your company . :D
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
one night -
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I haven’t seen Carolina since last Christmas when we met in Vienna. This time it was in Athens and as always, it has been another date to remember. We had sushi dinner, a few cocktails that got us into the "mood" and then back to her hotel for the "main course". I am not getting into details, all I have to say is that she is the REFERENCE IN ESCORTING. Carolina is like golden bullion. Her rates may seem high but she is worth every penny of it!
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: Excellent
- Dress code: Respected
- Social time: Excellent
2 hours -
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Τρομερή εμπειρία.Η κοπέλα είναι επαγγελματίας και το κατέχει το άθλημα και με το παραπάνω.Δεν λέει όχι σε τίποτα καθώς διαθέτει τρομερή εμπειρία.Πιο πιθανό έιναι να πεις όχι εσύ σε κάτι που θα σου ζητήσει αυτή! Ξέρει να σε ψυχολογεί και ξέρει πάνω κάτω τι ζητάς.Επίσης έχει πολύ χιούμορ και σίγουρα δεν βαριέσαι μαζί της και εκτός σεξ.Σίγουρα είναι κάτι ξεχωριστό στο χώρο και δύσκολα να βρεθεί κάτι ανάλογο...
Kinky eat cum drink
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: raw.
- Dress code: raw.
- Social time: raw.
one night -
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Once again Carolina drove me crazy! That woman becomes an addiction. I am in Vienna for business and arranged for an overnight meeting with her. It was a Christmas gift to myself. I took her to the airport early this morning and I am still horny, exausted and with a big smile on my face, just thinking of last night. She is a jewel and must be treated as such. My name is Johnny and I am a Carolina junky.
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Not asked
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: raw.
- Dress code: raw.
- Social time: raw.
2 hours -
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Cette femme est tout bonnement fantastique.Sexy, aguicheuse, dominatrice,drole,intelligente,elle m’a fait passer des moments inoubliables et m’a donné des plaisirs que je ne connaissais pas jusque là.Le tout réalisé avec passion sincérité et drolerieVive la Pologne!Et vivement son retour en France!
See you soon dear Karolina
- Kiss: With tongue
- Sex: Enthusiastic
- Real pics? Yes
- CIM: N/A
- Anal sex: Yes
- Blowjob: Bareback
- Extraball: Multiple times allowed
- Hygiene: raw.
- Dress code: raw.
- Social time: raw.
2 days -
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Questo e’ il mio secondo incontro con Carolina e il primo da quando e" indipendente.
Io non ho quasi parole per cercare di spiegare quanto e" ammaliante questa ragazza.
Ritengo di avere una certa esperienza in fatto di escort, ed ho avuto la fortuna di incontrare numerose top escort italiane ed internazionali,in Milano.
Ma Carolina merita quasi un discorso a parte.
Lei e" di una categoria quasi inaccessibile.
A volte viene veramente da chiedersi che cosa vogliamo o desideriamo da un incontro con un" escort.
Certo la ricerca del piacere, il desiderio di provare forti emozioni, ma al di la’ di questo, se uno non si accontenta, la sensazione di aver davvero fermato il tempo.
E di aver avuto davvero un tipo di scambio che va oltre l"aspetto puramente monetario.
Carolina sa benissimo cosa piace a un uomo e sa perfettamente come mandarlo letteralmente fuori di testa.
E" praticamente impossibile riuscire a resistere al suo potere di seduzione.
Naturalmente vi parla una persona che ha sperimentato un long meeting, e questo certamente aiuta e favorisce la riuscita di un incontro.
Ma certamente mi piace pensare che aiuta sempre tenere bene presente che dietro un" escort c"e" sempre una donna, non un robot o una macchina.
In definitiva, se vi piace una donna dallo straordinario e forte carattere, fantasticamente Crazy e divertente anche fuori dal letto, il tutto unito a una sua naturale disposizione dominante a letto, allora Carolina e" certamente per voi. :D :D