sofia (inactive)


3.1 din 5 stele


Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: March 12, 2006
Gen: Female
Oraș: bratislava
Anul nașterii: 41
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Blond
Lungimea părului: Long
Mărimea bustului: Small (A), Natural
Înălțime: 170
Constituție: Regular, Average
Fumător: Smoker but will not if asked
  • Slovakian (Fluent)
  • German (Fluent)
  • English (Conversational)


Disponibilitate: La tine:
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: +420-776-575996

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Nu
  • Sex: Nu
  • Fotografii reale? Vă rog selectați
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Nu
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis doar o dată
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
3 hours - 320€
Aspect - 6.5/10
Serviciu - 6/10
Met in an upscale Bratislava hotel. Sofia arrived early and was concerned because a security guard for the hotel gave her some difficulties to come to my room (she had been at the same hotel 3 days earlier and he recognized her). She is attractive and pictures are representative, more glamorous than how she showed up to my room. She has two tatoos, one on her tailbone and one on her upper back under her hair. Sofia used to be Laura at absolute-paradise before the agency closed. She may be a little heavier in her legs than implied by the photos, but she is by no means overweight. She has small breasts and is nicely shaved. She is a very sweet lady, 23, who is studying at a local university. Her english is good but not exceptional, german is better. Certainly, we had no problems communicating and we spent a significant time talking. Like so many girls, she is doing the job for money for a flat. She has a pretty serious boyfriend and I think this may influence some of her performance. For example, I gave her a massage and then some cunni. When it was clear that she was becoming aroused, she suddenly jumped up and said she needed to go to the toilet. When she returned, I offered to continue where we had left off, she would have let me, but I could tell she didn’t want me to and I asked again and she said no, please don’t. She gave me a massage, oral without and then asked what I had discussed with the agency. I said I was interested in COF/CIM. I asked if that was ok and she said that it was ok (but I sensed that she prefered not to do so). None-the-less, she completed the effort with the first spurt in the mouth and the second on the side of her face. The rest was by hand. Nice eye contact and spilling of cum from her mouth to my dick at the end, but what I really was looking for was the glazed donut effect with the full load on her face. Since she was going dancing with her friends immediately after our meeting, I don’t think she wanted that. We talked for a while and then I suggested she could leave early. I suspect that if I had asked for another round, she would have performed. But again, it would have been just that, performing with no enthusiasm. Thus, it was my choice we didn’t have sex, but I didn’t think it would be particularly great. Sofia’s strength is in her great, smiling and laughing personality. If you want someone to do the deed, she will, but I doubt you will feel there were tons of enthusiasm. I suspect that this is because she doesn’t want to get involved and enjoy herself given her relationship. She is good as a GFE and probably for long meetings where personality is very important. I suggest being very clear with what you want and I suspect that within reason she will do it. She said that she does not do anal and has done "play" lesbo with Nathalie. Also, because so many people know her in Bratislava, she no longer wants to work in that city. Sofia was a nice time, but many other escorts leave a better, long-lasting memory.
