

4.0 din 5 stele


Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: February 26, 2012
Gen: Female
Oraș: london
Anul nașterii: 34
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Brown
Lungimea părului: Long
Mărimea bustului: Medium (B), Enhanced
Înălțime: 175
Constituție: Regular, Ultra sexy
Fumător: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)


Disponibilitate: La mine:, La tine:
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: +44 7077 088 861

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Cu limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Da
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Da
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: Excelent
  • Vestimentație: Nu a fost întrebat
  • Timp socializare: Excelent
one evening - 900€
Aspect - 8/10
Serviciu - 7.8/10
“Full of life” is the first thing that pops in my mind when I think of Carly... And for those who know me, this is a VERY strange qualification when it refers to a beautiful, 5’8 girl to whom I’m about to give “9” for services... My mind is usually focused on other things ;-) And yet, it’s true! The first thing one remarks when meeting Carly for the first time (and the second, and the third...) is how natural, engaging, funny and “normal” she is! Social time with her, be it at the beginning of the meeting, in between rounds, at the restaurant, etc. is utterly enjoyable and absolutely delightful! I have so much “forgotten that I was with an escort” that... I (almost) failed to remember about her envelope ;-) As for the rest: well, Carly has a very beautiful face, a lovely smile and a long and (very) kissable neck; her hair is now straight which, personally, I find better than the hairdo pictured in Allure’s portfolio. Her body has still some baby fat of which I’m normally not a big fun BUT given Carly’s young age, height, and long legs the impression one gets is totally harmonious and pleasant to the eye (and not only to the eye: in bed her body is absolutely delicious). For the sake of consistency, I cannot mark her higher than “8” for looks, but this is probably one of the best 8s I have ever given. And during private time: wow! Carly kisses as if her life depended on it and the rest of her oral skills are... even better! Her BJ is energetic, skilful, with proper attention to a man’s (especially, this man’s!) full anatomy and really deep-throat. Sex flaws effortlessly from one position to the other and (unlike many girls who close their eyes and think of Britain) Carly proactively participates in it with the same positive and very natural attitude she displays during social time: sheer delight! A special mention is due to (at least) two points: - Carly’s fabulous cowgirl (IMHO the “acid test” of a girl’s aptitude in bed) provided in all kinds of variations and always with the same energy and skill - and her A-levels, a practice in which Carly is still a novice (ie to be handled with extreme care) but which is provided with the same great attitude (let alone sexiness) as everything else! I have already repeated and, needless to say, will do so again. Wholeheartedly recommended.