Zsexygirls.com Ratings

07 Jun '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 7/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Qui sait ce qu’est devenu l’agence zsexygirls qui a disparu de la circulation depuis quelques semaines? En comparaison des autres agences, il sélectionnaient bien leurs filles souvent très belles.
02 May '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Exellente agence, réactive et professionnelle. Photos réalistes et services respectés. Merci Mike pour tes judicieux conseils. :D :D :D
01 May '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 1/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Difficult
Voilà ce que j’ai eu 2 jours de suite: réservation en matinée pour un RV l’après-midi. Un mail envoyé automatiquement par l’agence me dit que mon meeting sera bientôt confirmé, puis plus rien, malgré une relance par mail. Ras-le-bol de cette pseudo agence :evil:

Reply from the agency:

Dear Sir, You are not lucky and I am sorry to say that few clients could tell you they are happy with us or more, some advisers could teach u how to use the internet :) And tell you that we are enjoying serving quite a few clients happily :) A+

01 May '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
This was the third time I used this agency, the last time actually being in the spring of ’06. I read various bad reviews, but never understood why, as I always had easy and efficient communications with them. Not to mention being fortunate to "click" with the escort and to have a great time.javascript:insertEmoticon(’:lol:’)
01 May '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 2/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Easy
Rdv pris par téléphone dans l’après midi du 30 Avril auprès de l’agence pour une soirée de 4 h. Au début de notre rencontre, Margret confirme à son agence que je suis venu comme convenu la chercher à son hôtel pour aller diner. Deux heures plus tard, alors que nous finissons de diner, appel de l’agence auprès de Margret pour demander si je confirme la durée de 4 h pour le rendez vous :o . Je confirme bien entendu et m’ étonne de cet appel. Je n’étais pas encore au bout de mes surprises !!!! Un peu plus tard, alors que nous retournions avec Margret à son hôtel, SMS de l’agence envoyé à Margret lui indiquant qu’elle avait un rendez vous à 23h30 à l’hôtel. Or ma rencontre avec elle devait se prolonger jusqu’à 00h30. Je comprenais soudainement que l’agence avait pratiqué du surbooking et avait vraiment très envie que je libère Margret au bout de 3 h :shock: :shock: :shock: Plutôt embarassée Margret téléphone à l’agence qui en définitive indique qu’elle va prévenir le prochain visiteur de décaler son arrivée de 30 minutes, ce qui ne laissait en théorie aucune pause entre les deux rendez vous !!!! Nous avions déjà perdu du temps avec ces palinodies téléphoniques et la perspective qui s’offrait à moi était désormais un moment d’intimité avec Margret en gardant l’oeil sur la montre et surtout le risque de voir arriver le rendez vous suivant une demi heure plus tôt que prévu s’il n’avait pas été prévenu. La façon dont l’agence semble gérer les plannings m’autorisait largement à ne guère être rassuré sur l’organisation du rendez vous suivant. Je ne sais pas ce qu’il en est pour vous, mais pour ma part, j’ai horreur que l’on tambourine à la porte de la chambre où je me trouve encore avec ma partenaire d’un moment. Moralité , j’ai préféré interrompre la rencontre, ou plutôt ce qu’il en restait, le comportement de l’agence ayant largement brisé le charme de la soirée et les perspectives érotiques qui s’annonçaient. Au total, soit cette agence n’est pas capable de gérer des prises de rendez vous, ce qui serait assez surprenant car cela doit être à la portée d’un enfant de 10 ans, soit elle se moque de ses clients et pratique allègrement le surbooking, ce qui est évidemment intolérable. :evil: 600 euros pour diner en compagnie de Margret, au demeurant charmante, et rien d’autre, ce n’est pas seulement intolérable , c’est de l’escroquerie pure et simple :evil: :evil: :evil: Dois je ajouter en conclusion que je ne ferai plus jamais appel à cette agence, que je ne connaissais pas auparavant, et que je déconseille à quiconque d’avoir à faire avec eux. ======================================================= Answering the agency's answer: I am sorry so say I totally disagree with your view of the situation. 1- The meeting was beginning at 20:30 .I CLEARLY SAID TO MARGRET AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING THAT IT WAS A 4 HOURS MEETING. So I really do not understand how you can say you did not know it was a 4 hours meeting. 2- Moreover, as I explained in my review, you called Margret while we were having dinner( around 22.30) and asked for confirmation, and Margret confirmed again it was a 4 hours meeting. 3- Finally, let me point out the fact that, as far as I know you were not the person I talked with when I booked Margret ( I had a woman on the phone), so I am afraid it is difficult for you to know what was initially agreed and happened 4- You say you were worried because you did not know what was happening. How can you say that? Margret answered or made a first call to your agency around 21.00 when we were arriving to the restaurant. 45 minutes later, while we were having dinner sher received another call from the agency asking again confimation of the 4 hours meeting just as mentioned above (§2). Lastly, when we were going back to the hotel with my car, other call of the agency annnouncing arrival of next customer at 23.30. So Margret talked with your agency not less than four times in 2 hours. Next time I suggest you gave her a Global positioning system and you will be able to know exactly where she is! In any case it did not seem to me she was worried!!!! I had on contrary the feeling that she appeciated a nice dinner with me. I highly suggest you talk with her and receive her comments 5- As to money issue, the meeting should have terminated at 00h30 and not 23h30. I GAVE 600 EUROS to Margret, WHICH AS FAR AS I KNOW IS THE RATE FOR 4 HOURS (and not 3 hours). Because of all the trouble caused by you agency,we were not able to share "intimate"moments. So, at the end of the meeting, we spent together something like 3 hours and only had dinner, whereas I expected to spend 4 hours ...and have a little more than dinner. I repeat what I said in my review: 600 euros for an escorting for dinner, I cannot consider it is fair and honnest .

Reply from the agency:

Your comments are quite admissible but too hard in my opinion as I am the concerned one. You wanted 3 hours and said "maybe" 4 hours. This "maybe" should have been confirmed at the beginning of the meeting and not at the end. To say that we are stealing your money is ridiculous :( Your meeting was supposed to end at 23:30 and she had a booking at midnight, and this is normal in this type of tours :) So, in any case, I am sorry if I disturbed the meeting as actually, my most worry and the reason why I called is that I had no news on an outcall with someone we didnt know...and I always worry in these conditions. Cheers and again, all my apologies and I am definitely willing to compensate in any other occasion :) Mike, Zsexygirls.com

29 Apr '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
agence parfaite j’ai alterné les échanges par mail et sms sans que jamis l’agence ne s’y perdre, chaque réponse dans la minute, j’ai retardé le rendez vous de 30 minutes ce que l’agence a parfaitement géré, extra
17 Apr '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Mon 3ème RDV avec cette agence. Hotel Top, Filles Top, organisation (plutôt par tel ou SMS) Top :D Margret me manque déjà :cry: Merci Alicia
11 Apr '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
I have meet Margret for one night and she had to take a TGV train ... money sent first by DHL at the end the meeting were great and alicia informed me about the booking stepo by step email or sms and it was a perfect well organised meeting. :D
10 Apr '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 7/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Easy
D’une façon générale, je trouve qu’il s’agit d’une bonne agence, qui répond de façon aimable au téléphone et essaie de faire le mieux possible. Deux problèmes sérieux cependant: les filles sont souvent très jolie mais n’en font qu’a leur tête semble t’il et ne tiennent pas les engagements pris par l’agence. Celle ci essaie d’arranger les choses le mieux possible et formule n’importe qu’elle excuse, sans précision. Deuxième problème: le site de l’agence subit régulièrement les attaques de hackers virulents, ce qui le rend souvent indisponible. Alicia fait son possible.....
09 Apr '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 3/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Très simple, je vois Jennifer, ils annoncent CIM et compagnie et Extra ball, au final rien de tout ça. Elle a beau être canon c’est du vol pur et simple. J’ai récupéré une partie de ma mise, mais pas tout, trop gentil que j’ai été. L’agence m’a promis compensation mais plus de nouvelles comme par hasard !!!!! :evil:
15 Mar '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 4/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? No
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Easy
ai reserve 1h30 et ai eu seulement 1h pas de mail pas de sms pas d’excuse :evil:
12 Mar '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Alicia is nice and everything is respected. What more from an agency? :wink:
10 Mar '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
only the requested dress code was not addressed correctly
Genghis Khan
07 Mar '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Alicia est sympa est tres patiente et ceci malgrès que je lui ai fait plusieurs fois faux bond :wink: Les photos mettent bien en valeur les filles mais sans arnaque. Les hotels sont d’un bon standing. Les prix un peu elevés a mon avis. Dommage que la fille sur lequel je fantasme Angelina ne fait plus de city tour en plus elle ressemble a mon ex une canadienne de Toronto aaarrghh c’est trop injuste :cry:
06 Mar '07


Average Rating: 7.3 from 28 Ratings
Escorts: 56
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 186
Phone: +441414162815, +447624802625
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 4/10
Pictures accurate? No
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? No
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Easy
Réservation en matinée pour un RV l’après midi. Dans les minutes qui suivent on me rappelle l’horaire et condition de la rencontre en précisant qu’on me confirme "shortly", puis plus rien. Je n’ai reçu de aucune confirmation ni infirmation.