Planetdreams Ratings

28 Jun '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
An excellent agency to do business with.Services as promised,easy to contact,fine and polite ladies....Rob is a pro...keep up the good work :D
26 Jun '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
I have arranged 3 meetings with Planetdreams, so far. They have always exhibited a high level of professionalism by replying promptly, confirming analytically and respecting the preferred means of communication (e-mails for me). Additionally, the ladies who co-operate with them, that I have encountered, are way above average. Keep up the good work Rob!
26 Jun '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 4/10
Pictures accurate? No
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? No
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Difficult
Attention, cette agence choisit trés mal ses hôtels. C’est trés désagréable de se faire intercepter par la sécurité de l’hôtel et de devoir décliner son identité pour pouvoir accéder aux chambres.... Cette mésaventure ne m’est à présent arrivée qu’ avec cette agence, gérée depuis Londres, sans aucune connaissance du terrain...
22 Jun '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Very professional agency. Rob is very fast on email and SMS responses. Girls are always caring and clean. The prices for faithful customers are very competitive. Other agencies should take some lessons. One point minus for not having more models on tour. Same girls in tour in Greece every month! Bravo!
31 May '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
La prise de rendez-vous est parfaite. Un mail et un SMS (en tant que nouveau client), et mon meeting était confirmé. Rob répond précisément et rapidement (parfois en quelques minutes!) aux emails. Le meeting a eu lieu dans un bel hôtel, le dress code était respecté, et la rencontre (avec Viktoria) s’est parfaitement déroulée. Bref, c’est une agence sérieuse et à l’écoute du client (Rob dit d’ailleurs que le "feedback" des clients est ce qu’il y a de plus important).
26 May '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
I arranged 5 meetings with Rob’s girls at the moment. All the meetings went as promised, the girls were professional, willing and caring. Rob made very easy to accomodate my needs and even reschedule when i was not able to come on the right time. Thank you very much Rob.
15 May '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 3/10
Pictures accurate? No
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? No
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Difficult
Suite à une prise de RDV( la prise fut parfaite) avec Giselle de cette agence ,je me suis rendu au RDV fixé avec ,il est vrai une dixaine de minutes de retard dû au traic de ce coté de la capitale .Arrivé devant la porte mon grand etonement fut de voir que ce n’ etait pas giselle qui m’ ouvrât la porte mais un homme qui me demmandât de degager au plus vite !!! Sur ce ,je recontacte l’ agence ,qui a carrément ignoré mes appels ainsi que mes mails . Je ne suis vraimant pas comptent , pour ma perte de temps , heuresement pas d’ argent , le manque de proffessionalisme de cette agence qui pour moi ne fait pas partie des meilleurs. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
25 Apr '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Everything was as promised.Very good communication,easy contact,with very good service.Rob you are great.
12 Apr '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
travailler avec une agence comme PD estvraiment un régal, si ce n’est que le booking ne se fait exclusivement que par mail. le reste n’est que du pur bonheur avec une relation avec l’agence des plus sympathique et professionnelle je recommande vivement
27 Feb '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
My one experience till today with this agency, was excellent. Quick and easy booking. i’ll meet two more girls till 12/3. let’s see..! Thanks Planet and Rob of course!
21 Feb '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
A very decent agency. Beautiful girls, fast response, accurate, very competitive prices, easy to communicate and caring for the client. Sets standards of how customers should be treated. Highly recommended!
18 Feb '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
There is a lot written about Planetdreams, I felt I had to add my positive opinion on an agency that has great service AND VFM. There are a few "high end" agencies that will offer equal services yet the fees for the ladies make me very cautious when I book through them. With Planetdreams I have never had a bad meeting, had loads of great ones and only one averagewhich I can easily "discount" from my records. Rob is both efficient for the client and caring for the ladies
Facial Cumshot
17 Feb '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Excellent rapport qualité/prix sur Paris actuellement. Prise de RDV simple et rapide (quelques mails plus une confirmation par SMS pour les nouveaux clients). Rob, le manager, est très réactif. Photos exactes, conditions, services et prix respectés. Tout serait parfait si Planetdreams mettait à disposition sur son site le planning de ses filles, ce qui faciliterait la prise de RDV.
14 Feb '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Everything was as promised. Excellent level of communication, fast and detailed replies. Rob you are my man!
31 Jan '07


Average Rating: 8.5 from 139 Ratings
Escorts: 81
Country: UK
City: London
Reviews: 595
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
une bonne agence magda est une GFE et très sexy elle sait nous mettre à l aise et s interresse aux personnes je la recommande a tous a bientot merci Rob