Charme models Ratings

29 Apr '06

Charme models

Average Rating: 4.3 from 21 Ratings
Escorts: 30
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Reviews: 23
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 1/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Stay away. Reading the other reviews, only after the meeting, unfortunately, it looks like all the girls of this agency are the same. Good service, the girl arrives on time.. but she doesn’t do what she is expected to do. At all. In my case, after sending the girl back after one day (over the 2 days of meeting), and trying to meet another girl, when I clearly stated that the following girl should have made sex with me (what a strange thing!!!) I had no more news from Kate. Strange again... Do not trust this agency. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
22 Mar '06

Charme models

Average Rating: 4.3 from 21 Ratings
Escorts: 30
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Reviews: 23
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 1/10
Pictures accurate? No
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Easy
Communication is easy meaning with this that the manager Kate answers quite quickly; anyway she has messed up my appointment which was originally scheduled in late afternoon. I had therefore to meet Ivana in the morning. Photos on the website are not realistic and obviously "adjusted".
19 Mar '06

Charme models

Average Rating: 4.3 from 21 Ratings
Escorts: 30
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Reviews: 23
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 7/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Facile comunicazione con la manager....veloci le risposte...ottima attenzione verso il cliente per gli ultimi dettagli... solo una cosa. troppo Photoshop nelle foto sul sito...piu’ naturali, grazie :wink:
13 Mar '06

Charme models

Average Rating: 4.3 from 21 Ratings
Escorts: 30
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Reviews: 23
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Io mi sono trovato bene, risposte velocissime, la manager mi ha sconsigliato la mia scelta perchè aveva dei dubbi sulla ragazza, che infatti ora non lavora più con loro Il suo suggerimento per un long meeting di tre giorni con Daniela è stato buono, la ragazza come da aspettative, nessun tipo di problema, tutto come da accordi. Forse l’unico difetto è che tende a dichiarare troppo facilmente un lungo elenco di servizi senza verificare l’effettiva disponibilità delle ragazze. Da riprovare per una conferma.
10 Feb '06

Charme models

Average Rating: 4.3 from 21 Ratings
Escorts: 30
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Reviews: 23
Phone: -
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Overall rating: 6/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
I feel badly writing this review because for three months prior to my meetings, Kate (the manager) was absolutely fabulous dealing with many, long e-mails and changing appointments. Some of this was my fault and some was due to one of her girls leaving, then coming back. Also reviews on LGR tipped me off to a possible problem with one appointment. My catastrohic meeting was with Kristin (see review). Basically none of the services indicated were respected, she arrived late and left early. Her english was awful and this may have led to a second problem. She told Kate that I tried to recruit her to a different agency! Why would a non-European, visiting Prague for four days want to move her from an agency that was one of the least expensive to one that almost certainly would be more expensive? It doesn’t make sense. Either Kristin’s english was so bad as not to understand the conversatioin that we did have, or she spitefully accused me of this knowing that I would call Kate and complain about Kristin’s service. At first, because of this, Kate did not want me to see Viky, my Saturday meeting, but then said ok. Come Saturday, an hour before my meeting, Kate told me to wait in the lobby for Victoria. I waited for 45 minutes then called Kate to tell her Victoria hadn’t shown up. She said yeah, Viky had a fight with her husband and couldn’t come. No alternatives offered. I am suspicious that Kate was just being spiteful and never intended for me to see Victoria. In any case, I will not work with this agency again. One thing Kristin did tell me is that Kate gives her girls "menus" of services and asks what they will do. kissing with tounge is lumped in with playing with toys, etc. In Kristin’s case she chose some categories because "it would get me more business" and that she could explain to the client at the time that"she is a real person" that won’t do these things. Well, that explains all the previous reviews on LGR for Andy and Kylie and Sonya and now Kristin. Kristin also told me she didn’t know what Kate told clients whe would do and didn’t care to know! Wow, what an indictment. Too bad, because Kate’s upfront service was excellent. If only her girls performed...