Tina (inactive)


4.5 out of 5 stars


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Created on: July 15, 2007
Gender: Female
City: prague
Birth year: 42
Type: White
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Long
Bust size: Large (C), Natural
Height: 185
Build: Slim, Ultra sexy
Smoking: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)


Availability: Outcall:
Accept Trios: No


Phone: +420 723 99 55 00

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  • Kiss: No
  • Sex: Enthusiastic
  • Real pics? Please select
  • CIM: N/A
  • Anal sex: No
  • Blowjob: Bareback
  • Extraball: Multiple times allowed
  • Hygiene: raw.
  • Dress code: raw.
  • Social time: raw.
24 hours - 2800€
Looks - 9/10
Service - 9/10
I first met Tina a couple of years ago, during her first tour in Paris (yes, there was a period where ladies as stunning as Tina used to come for tours!... We have since met a few times and always with the same pleasure and awe (for me, that is!) ;-) Actually, I knew Tina’s picture since the ELI years and have tried to book her back then but for various logistical reasons, it has never worked. I was therefore delighted when I recognised her pictures on the website (NB: yes, there was a period where "stars" had still their pictures openly available) ;-) Physically, IMHO Tina is an absolute stunner (ad this is a long-punting-experience-claibrated-opinion): we often use the expression "model type" to describe a beautiful girl... well... Tina is better!! She had the height (1m83!), the build, the legs-to-armpits, the stature and the face of a top model but without having the extreme slenderness that models have: she’s simply perfect! As for her breasts... I shamefully must admit that when I first looked at her pictures, and when I first saw Tina naked, I thought that they were enhanced as I couldn’t believe that Mother Nature could produce such perfection!... Tina’s performance in bed is at par with her looks. I voluntarily limit her mark for performance to "9" as Tina does not offer A-levels but... I can hardly remember when was the last time I gave a "9" to a non full-service lady! Tina does not provide DFKs, she kisses as if her life depended on it! And the same oral aptitude applies also to her BBBJ which is deep, enthusiastic, skilful, with full attention to a man complete anatomy and crowned by a fabulous CIM. When the favour is returned, Tina seems really to appreciate it. Everything else is, at least, as good: add a perfect body to a glamorous face to a lady who clearly likes what she’s doing and is eager to please and has the technique and appetite for doing so and... you can easily guess the result!! As for her social skills: Tina’s English is very good and she comes across as witty, funny and quite relaxed... Tina is an established catwalk model and actress: she’s well travelled, well-educated and smart... believe it or not, even for old perverts like me, it does make a difference! An absolute delight! Highly recommended, for all meetings; her schedule is full with her "normal life" activities and she’s difficult to book but definitely worth all efforts! :D