
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Reviews: 21
Phone: +7000000000
Memberlist: No
International: Yes
Created on: 2006-01-31 03:58:49
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15 May '06
Overall rating: 5/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Difficult
I booked once with this russian agency called From Russia in the past. I remember communication was little cold, I could not say it’s russian mood, cause with another russian one it’s more easy. The other point was OK, excepting the services of the girl I met, but that is another story, more oriented of review’s girl. If this agency improve her customer relationship management, I could book again with them.
02 Apr '06
Overall rating: 10/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Perfect agency. 3 mails and everything was in place. Highly recommended.
12 Mar '06
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
booking tres facile en 3 mails 1:propose 2 dates 2:j’ai le nom de l’hotel et l’adresse,les services dispensés et le prix. 3:numero de la chambre. tres bonne organisation merci lyuba.
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