

4.5 sur 5 étoiles


Réservez-moi! Évaluez-moi!




Créé sur: July 12, 2007
Genre: Female
Ville: berlin
Année de naissance: 42
Type: White
Couleur des cheveux: Blond
Longueur des cheveux: Long
Taille de poitrine: Medium (B), Natural
Taille: 175
Corpulence: Slim, Ultra sexy
Fumeur: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)
  • German (Fluent)
  • French (Conversational)


Disponibilité: Déplacement:
Accept Trios: No


Téléphone: +49 172 746 22 22

Avis Ajouter

  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Pas demandé
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: Excellent
  • Code vestimentaire: Respecté
  • Temps social: Excellent
one night - ---------------€
Apparence - 8.5/10
Service - 9.5/10
Il Principe di Savoia è un bell’ luogo di incontro, non c’è che dire. Per una abituata ad essere un giorno a Londra, quello dopo a Parigi o Monaco, non mi sembri affatto stanca, anzi. Tutti ci guardano, ovunque andiamo, ma sarebbe meglio dire che guardano te. Un puro oggetto di desiderio. La solita superiorità della donna rispetto all’ uomo. Il soggetto non può che desiderare, solo l’ oggetto può sedurre. Bionda, abbronzata, statuaria. Dallì’ aeroporto ad ora quanti ne avrai sedotti? Per uno come me, che tutto sommato ama il basso profilo, mi verrebbe quasi da chiarire: "Non ho alcun merito, sto pagando per questo". La mia scacchiera sul tavolo della camera sembra stupirti, così come il relativo libro sul comodino. Sai giocare a scacchi, la cosa si fa interessante. Vuoi non mi dici il tuo livello. "Non gioco mai per niente, è più forte di me" - le dico, quasi per sconsigliarla. Insisti, e dunque sono costretto a dirti "Tutto o niente", nel senso che se vinci la posta raddoppia, mentre se perdi il tuo compenso si azzera. Un momento di riflessione nei tuoi occhi, un lampo, poi la tua bocca pronuncia: "Ok, pazza cosa". Non è il Settimo Sigillo, la posta non è così alta, ma la tensione è forte. Dalla tua espressione direi che anche tu non stai esattamente giocando. Mi accorgo delle tue capacità quando decidi di abbandonare la partita, molto prima dell’inevitabile esito finale. Ho vinto, ma non ne provo gusto. In realtà ho perso ancora una volta, nella partita più grande che si estende oltre i limitati confini della scacchiera. Il banale rapporto mercificatorio non è sempre così scontato. La donna può sempre scegliere o di abbandonarsi come oggetto sessuale e di darsi senza scrupoli, o di giocare a farsi riconoscere come "persona", a lasciarsi sedurre e a rifiutarsi indefinitamente. Può sempre abbandonare un ruolo per l’ altro, secondo una sua particolare visione o una presunta strategia. Ognuno gode per conto suo. La possibilità stessa di una sessualità riposa sul fatto che ognuno ignora come l’altro goda. E’ un’ Enigma inevitabile tra due persone che si conoscono per la prima volta. L’ Enigma si è rovesciato: una volta era la Sfinge che poneva all’uomo la domanda dell’uomo, che Edipo ha creduto di risolvere, come tutti noi; oggi è l’uomo che pone alla Sfinge la Domanda. Questa non risponde, come te del resto, perchè forse non vi è risposta. Il bello confina con l’imprevedibile e, paradossalmente, con un pò di dolore. ------------------------------------------------------ E’ passato molto tempo da allora, molte donne sono passate, alcune ancora più belle, ma quell’esperienza è rimasta, di fatto, forse unica. Quel che vinsi quella sera lo persi il mattino successivo, perchè non si poteva resisterle. Provai a contattarla altre due volte, ma non ebbi altre possibilità. Poi sparì dal "circuito". Chiedo scusa a Sadie - che ho conosciuto - per aver usato il suo profilo, perchè era una sua collega di agenzia. Avrei potuto prendere un altro Alias, ma dovevo rendere merito all’agenzia Venus-Escort. Tutto infatti cominciò per me nel 2006, per puro caso a Francoforte, con Yolanda. Fino a quel momento non avevo neppure la più pallida idea di un mondo che costituisce, di fatto, una sorta di "mia piccola parte segreta". ------------------------------------------------------


  • Baiser: Non
  • Sexe: Non
  • Photos réelles? Non
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Non
  • Extraball: Une seule fois autorisée
  • Hygiène: Excellent
  • Code vestimentaire: Respecté
  • Temps social: Excellent
6 hours - 2000€
Apparence - 0.5/10
Service - 0.5/10
last minute cancellation last minute cancellation last minute cancellation not professional... :evil: not professional... :evil: not professional... :evil:


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
one evening - 1600€
Apparence - 9/10
Service - 9/10
Sadie has been already extensively reviewed. I cannot but add my own praise to the ones she has already received. Should I need to find a less-than-perfect element in Sadie, I would mention the fact that she talks a bit too much to my taste about her profession, the ladies she knows and has met and her previous experiences (admittedly, I’ve prompted the discussion). Frankly, nothing really serious: Sadie can hold any conversation, is smart, witty and when she has formed an opinion she has no problem standing her ground. I first met Sadie for a short dinner date: it will take me a while to forget the moment she took off her coat to reveal a long black dress, with long sleeves and closed up to the neck in front, and leaving her entire back naked. Walking to our table, Sadie’s allure and visible sensuality stopped conversations of even the blazé public of the fashionable Parisian restaurant in which we were! And later-on at the hotel, I cannot but recall with fondness the sight of Sadie slowly walking the longish corridor and crossing the room towards my direction while gracefully unbuttoning and taking off slowly her dress, which fell down around her ankles *just* at the moment she reached me, to reveal a perfectly naked and tanned body (not even the slightest string could fit under that dress!). As for the rest… well, everything that other reviews have described is true: Sadie is a natural in bed, does everything, enjoys everything and asks for more. A very special mention is certainly due to her BBBJ, which is truly deep-throat and equaled probably only by the ones of Yolanda (quite a reference for many of us) in terms of technique and sheer pleasure! All in all, Sadie is certainly one of the best ladies gracing the European escort arena these days and a must-see for everyone who can afford her.


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
3 days - 6400€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 10/10
Rencontre totalement insolite avec cette jeune femme. Tout d’abord, c’est une vrai escortgirl, c’est-à-dire qu’elle peut vous accompagner partout: Elle a de l’allure, elle maitrise parfaitement l’anglais, l’allemand et le français. Elle a de la culture, elle est instruite, peut parler de tout. (Peinture, en plus elle connaît bien les périodes, sculpture, histoire, histoire de l’art, voyages, etc.…) Ensuite c’est une femme absolument superbe, elle est grande, blonde, cheveux, longs particulièrement belle. Mince, élancée, très belle poitrine, des fesses extraordinaires. Coté plaisir, elle est à la fois, tendre, douce, et câline, elle sait être sexy au moment ou il le faut, parfois même un peu chienne au moment fatidique. Les services sont assurés par une jeune femme qui sait donner du plaisir à son partenaire comme je l’ai rarement rencontré. Elle vous donne l’impression d’être votre fiancée depuis toujours, et que l’on a déjà fait cela des centaines de fois alors que vous l’a connaissez que depuis seulement quelques minutes… Tous les services sont offerts, il n’y a aucuns tabous. Elle a une vitalité absolument extraordinaire. Cela a été trois jours de rêve, du bonheur à l’état pur. C’est bien entendu des niveaux de prestations particulièrement élevés et cela s’adresse à une réelle clientèle d’initiés. Encore merci pour ces moments, c’était totalement extraordinaire. Lecteur assidu du site mais jamais écrivain, je suis bridé puisque c’est ma première revue, j’aurai mis 10 et 10 sans hésitation. C’est, et vous l’aurez évidemment compris la meilleure rencontre que j’ai pu faire avec une Escortgirl, et la femme la plus belle que j’ai rencontrée dans l’intimité jusqu’à maintenant, d’où cette revue. Franck.


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Non
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
one day - 2500€
Apparence - 10/10
Service - 9/10
Sadie and me arrived both at the same time in front of the hotel; I recognized her at once. In my opinion she is the ideal of classic beauty and has the most amazing perfect body I have ever seen! I liked her smile most of all, it spreads all over her face and makes her eyes sparkle like saphires. During welcome drinks we talked a lot and clicked immediately. Sadie is not superficial or arrogant at all ( what might her great looks suggest to people who don´t know her ), she even is a little boyish sometimes which I adored a lot ;-) She speaks three languages and is interested in nearly every kind of topic so social time was gorgeous. When going out she is a stunning headturner, her dress is elegant in an understated way (also a big plus ). Sexually, she is one of those few escorts who want their share of the game, too and I loved giving her pleasure. Oral sex seemed one of her passions, giving and receiving. I had a perfect date with a beautiful lady!


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
24 hours - 2550€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 9/10
Sadie è stata plurirecensita ed io aggiungo solo qualcosina all’"enciclopedia" su di lei: seno rifatto ma molto bene, con il sedere molto bello ma secondo me non la totale perfezione come qualcuno scriveva, ottimo social time ed ottimi momenti di sesso. C’è una particolarità secondo me da dire su di lei: è davvero molto ma molto eccitante nella sua sexy lingerie, il che mi ha provocato un certo sconquasso a livello ormonale e di resistenza... un bacio Sadie


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
3 hours - 1300€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 8/10
The girl I originally wanted to meet was not available so being in Berlin I tried Sadie due to her positive feedbacks. I must admit, although I am a very picky person, Sadie is an extremely great looking woman with a very good sense for elegant style. She might seem a little cold at first sight but soon got my attention with her bright smile. She´s active and very horny, so be prepared to get drained in several rounds! Unfortunetely, anal sex did not work out very well with us, so she is probably one of those who decides spontaniously what she feels like..


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Oui
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
3 hours - 1300€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 9.5/10
I had the opportunity to meet Sadie in Berlin while I was there for a business trip. She is beautiful as everyone can see it from the website photos. She is very professional, not a time waster and a tiger in bed. She provided everything I like and social time was also perfect. What could I ask more? Next time I would like to meet her in duo with Beatrice Not To Be Missed


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Veuillez sélectionner
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
3 hours - 1300€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 9/10
Extremely beautiful lady with an attitude to match her looks. Mile-long legs, perfect ass slim and curvy. Although I haven’t met any other ladies from "Venus" judjing from the pictures I would agree with the reviewer that says she is one of the best looking ladies there, I would add she is one of the best looking in the industry altogether.Her service is almost flawless (although I was extremely tired that evening she managed to...wake up the dead). Athough she is willingly offering all services I would rate her as GFE: cuddly, caring and obliging in every aspect. Venus’ s service left nothing to be desired, a thanks to them and another to BOTR who encouraged me to see Sadie :D


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Veuillez sélectionner
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
10 hours - 1800Eur€
Apparence - 7.5/10
Service - 7.5/10
Met Sadie for an overnite and must say she is one of the top-girls of the European escort scene!Simply beautiful and to my opinion also the most stunning of all Venus girls.I have to agree with the others that her body is gorgeous,her ass one in a million.What else can I say?Sadie is cuddly but can be a dirty little bitch as well and loved anal with me.Service:9 and Looks:9.5


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Veuillez sélectionner
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Oui
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
2 hours - 1050 Euro€
Apparence - 7.5/10
Service - 7.5/10
Met Sadie for a short 2hours but must say she is really active (made me come several times in short time).She brought several sets of sexy dessous, I loved her blowjob! Sadie looks like a model, really slim:perfect butt, doll face and great boobs. Her dress is expensive.Must meet her if you like perfect looks! Would give her a 10 for looks and 8.5 for performance


  • Baiser: Avec langue
  • Sexe: Enthousiaste
  • Photos réelles? Veuillez sélectionner
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sexe anal: Non
  • Fellation: Bareback
  • Extraball: Plusieurs fois autorisées
  • Hygiène: raw.
  • Code vestimentaire: raw.
  • Temps social: raw.
10 hours - 1800€
Apparence - 9.5/10
Service - 9.5/10
Her website new photos reminded me one of my best experience I had had with a lady. Beautiful girl with a stunning body and never ending legs. In my opinion one of the best body. Very good social skills and top performance. A real blonde gem.
