

4.0 din 5 stele


Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa
Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: September 16, 2009
Gen: Female
Oraș: prague
Anul nașterii: 47
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Blond
Lungimea părului: Short
Mărimea bustului: Large (C), Enhanced
Înălțime: 170
Constituție: Regular, Nothing special
Fumător: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)
  • Italian (Minimal)


Disponibilitate: La tine:
Servicii: OWO, CIF, COB, DFK
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: -

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Fără limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Da
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Nu
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: Bun
  • Vestimentație: Nu a fost întrebat
  • Timp socializare: Excelent
10 hours - 600€
Aspect - 8/10
Serviciu - 8/10
Decided to take a short break from seeing my usual ’safe-bets’ and having seen that Vanessa was on tour in Sardinia - interested me to an unbelievable degree! After a quick response from the agency to confirm that my message had been passed on to her - then followed from Vanessa some very slow responses with e-mails to arrange the meeting: eventually we agreed on a 24-hour date, but a couple of days before the meeting, and due to a "technical problem" on her part, we had to change to a 12-hour meeting spread over two days! Under my normal ’rules of engagement’ this is an absolute taboo offence and would normally warrant an immediate cancellation by me! But for some strange reason, I agreed and carried on regardless to Sardinia - and glad I did... Vanessa arrived on time at our agreed meeting place, and to say I was impressed and gob-smacked is an understatement! Relative to her photos she is a tall and very beautiful woman, and undoubtedly due to her long dancing career sports a superb and fit figure; and although in her low thirties she has a body that many other women in their early twenties would envy... Her personality really is genuine and uncomplicated, and she oozed all qualities needed by a professional companion: she is calm, relaxed, tolerant and confident, with her conversation as a well travelled and experienced woman being quite fascinating. Between-the-sheets she did not disappoint me... She showed interest and provided me with my favourite sensual girlfriend experience sex, ending sometimes with looooong CIM - always a great sexual combination in my testosterone-filled-mind and I loved it! I enjoyed every minute of our short 12-hour meeting - and she easily walked into my top 10 of all time... I would certainly make another booking and would recommend her to anyone.
