

4.0 din 5 stele


ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy ModelLucy
Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: June 21, 2007
Gen: Female
Oraș: london
Anul nașterii: 44
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Blond
Lungimea părului: Long
Mărimea bustului: Medium (B), Natural
Înălțime: 170
Constituție: Slim, Sexy
Fumător: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)
  • French (Conversational)


Disponibilitate: La mine:, La tine:
Servicii: OWO, CIM, CIF, COB, DFK, RIM
Accept sex în trei: Nu


Telefon: 07887 631422

Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Cu limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Vă rog selectați
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Da
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
one evening - 900€€
Aspect - 7/10
Serviciu - 9/10
Lucy was one of the first escorts I’ve ever met: back then, she was still Marianne at Sirens, in the good ol’ days (who remembers Rio’s Sirens, Simon’s Crème de la Femme, what-was-her-name Luna Flares... memories, memories... anyways). I had a vague recollection of a very pleasant meeting but haven’t written a review at that time and memories have faded away... Then, I noticed that Lucy was passing by New York at the same time as I and decided to check whether my memories were as good as reality... I’m delighted to report that this was not the case: reality is better! Lucy did not recognise/ remember me... I did (but then again... I didn’t remember that she had such a distinctive tattoo!...) Of course, she hasn’t anymore the peach-fresh face that she used to have (neither I, for that matter).... and her teeth might need some bleaching... But unlike me, Lucy has not put any weight on, and her figure remains slender and perfectly balanced, very elegant in her black dress and long coat... Social time was kind of awkward: my rhino-like social skills made me choose a very trendy East-village restaurant where, in quite moments, the surrounding noise was at 140dB... we had to yell to communicate and, obviously, this did not really help our conversation... We were almost relieved leaving this place and jumping into a taxi heading back to her hotel. Less than 2 minutes after closing the door of her room behind us, her skin-tight black dress was on the floor, next to my tie, shirt and various other unnecessary accessories... Lucy is rather petite, very sexy, very well proportioned, with smallish but very reactive breasts and... a ferocious appetite! What followed was a few hours of steamy-hot sex of the PSE type, but delivered in such a totally natural and flawless way that the experience came across as totally GFE! (well... I never had a GF as "mean" in bed as Lucy, but... you see what I mean!). I will not go into gory details as they would be beyond the point: Lucy is game for everything and anything and her technique is simply superb... actually, "technique" is used for lack of a better expression, as in Lucy’s case "natural talent" would be more appropriate. Lucy arguably has not the stunning figure and/or face that some EE teenagers offer currently in London; but a few hours in bed with her will probably leave you with more memories than 6-months worth of punting in today’s market! To be definitely repeated! ;-)