Evaluări EscortLand

12 May '09


Evaluare medie: 1 din 1 evaluări
Escorte: 4
Țara: Russian Federation
Oraș: Moskow
Recenzii: Da
Telefon: +79051977800
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Evaluare generală: 1/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Nu
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Nu
Prețul conform definiției? Nu
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Nu
Comunicarea cu agenția? Dificil
Bad agency, the boss give me the address of hotel where Marlen stays, she stay the other part of the town, after 30 minutes when I am going, she told me another address of hotel, in oppost place, After all this, I finally arrived to the girl, I went to room and there are two girls, one of them told me that she is Marlen and Klaudia… two girls different of the agency….. and she was ugly, even other girl is ugly..,… I had lost only my time….. Please take attention for these two address are the same agency http://escortland.tv/home/ http://www.sweet-russiangirls.net/ and the same girls fake