Evaluări Princessoferuope

23 Mar '07


Evaluare medie: 5.5 din 2 evaluări
Escorte: 28
Țara: England,Italy,France
Oraș: Paris
Recenzii: 10
Telefon: 00 44 70 4678 0000
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Evaluare generală: 7/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Da
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Nu
Prețul conform definiției? Nu
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Nu
Comunicarea cu agenția? Dificil
Although the ladies that I’ve met have been very very nice (Lora & Vanessa), the lady who answers the phone and organizes the meetings is not up to the job. I can barely understand her English and today she managed to get me to the hotel and when I called for the room she informed me that "I had canceled" and took her a while to admit that it was her fault. Not pleasant at all....
29 Jul '06


Evaluare medie: 5.5 din 2 evaluări
Escorte: 28
Țara: England,Italy,France
Oraș: Paris
Recenzii: 10
Telefon: 00 44 70 4678 0000
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Evaluare generală: 4/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Nu
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Da
Prețul conform definiției? Da
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Da
Comunicarea cu agenția? Dificil
This is my problem when i try to change agency...Leah is a nice girl but has nothing to do with this business...She is sweet, but too big, too harsh and she came in Paris to pick up the money....well, any delivery in mind? anything she intend to give in exchange? Well, it seems that it is not in her program at this point....300 euros is a lot of money to waiste an hour of my time so, i guess, i will return to the agncies i know and leave these giuys do their business where they are good...London apparently...