Evaluări Ambassador Escort

Gens Deau
27 Aug '07

Ambassador Escort

Evaluare medie: 9.9 din 1 evaluări
Escorte: Da
Țara: la suisse
Oraș: Zurich/ Bern
Recenzii: Da
Telefon: 0041797608888
Lista membrilor: Nu
Internațional: Nu
Evaluare generală: 10/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Da
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Da
Prețul conform definiției? Da
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Da
Comunicarea cu agenția? Ușor
Mia von Allmen is the woman who runs the agency. She is clear, precise, extremely articulate and accommodating. She will do her utmost to provide you with exactly what you are looking for. her resources are considerable, for the 18 or so women she has on the site represent a small percentage of those to whom she has access. She is both charming and has a certain fascination in and of herself, as evidenced in autobiography, written in German, which is, by all accounts, of more than average interest. i cannot imagine a more professional and discrete service. Here, i am thinking of someone comparable to Marcia of The Gallery, in London.