Evaluări Revolver Escort

01 Aug '07

Revolver Escort

Evaluare medie: 9.9 din 1 evaluări
Escorte: 2
Țara: UK
Oraș: London
Recenzii: Nu
Telefon: +44 7810 444122
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Evaluare generală: 10/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Da
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Da
Prețul conform definiției? Da
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Da
Comunicarea cu agenția? Ușor
I booked thru this Agency two times, and two time the same girl. I sent them an email before I came to London, and then Josh called me back and suggested a girl that wasn’t on the website, but he told me that I wouldn’t regret. He sent me some pics of her, and I had a crush. He checked that I was in my hotel room using a landline, and the princess came in the evening... This is my best escort experience. Thanx Josh for letting me encounter her. :D