Evaluări Model Vip Escort

25 May '10

Model Vip Escort

Evaluare medie: 7.8 din 6 evaluări
Escorte: 6
Țara: United Arab Emirates
Oraș: Worldwide
Recenzii: Da
Telefon: Skype, model.vip.escort
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Evaluare generală: 9/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Da
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Da
Prețul conform definiției? Da
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Da
Comunicarea cu agenția? Ușor
Objectively, I think one of the best agencies now. The ladies base is closed and I actualy can understand why )) Catalogue of models is not big but all the girls are outstanding beautiful. I have used their services twice and can say WoW! I spent a wonderful three days in Paris with Lora and after two days with Kate in Manama in Bahrain. Fantastic girls, excellent service, professional photo models like it was provided by agency. In fact, I think it is. Absolutely sure to use thier services again. Hopefully soon.