Évaluations de european-gems

03 Apr '08


Note moyenne: 9 sur 1 évaluations
Escorts: 7
Pays: roumanie
Avis: 5
Téléphone: -
Liste des membres: Oui
International: Oui
Note globale : 9/10
Photos fidèles ? Oui
Service comme promis ? Oui
Prix comme défini ? Oui
Arrangements de la réunion respectés ? Oui
Communication avec l'agence ? Facile
Very good agency, can react quickly at many situations, like booking at last minute or extending the meeting just before the date. evry thing is respected and girls looks exactly the photos so beautiful. Reserving by email and confirmation by SMS so you don’t have to speak in english at phone, and international SMS are more discrete than calls on the billing if you have a professional phone