*** infinitescort.com ***

Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Phone: +420 776 37 46 37
Memberlist: Yes
International: Yes
Created on: 2007-06-17 13:47:47
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31 Mar '08
Overall rating: 2/10
Pictures accurate? No
Service as promised? No
Price as defined? No
Arrangements of the meeting respected? No
Communication with the agency? Difficult
Ca sent bien l’arnaque puisqu’ils n’ont jamais répondu à mes mails... Ils espèrent peut-être qu’on va booker en envoyant 60% de la somme avant de voir la fille !!! Hum, no comments!
David Ames
04 Jul '07
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
Very professionnal agency. Despite I had to reschedule my meeting twice due to personal unavailabilities, they organised things perfectly to set a relax meeting. Thanks again 8)
17 Jun '07
Overall rating: 9/10
Pictures accurate? Yes
Service as promised? Yes
Price as defined? Yes
Arrangements of the meeting respected? Yes
Communication with the agency? Easy
The agency is for sure the best I ever dealed with. Swift reply to my mails, phone calls if needed, attention to every single details. Both the girls I met were so perfect that I think is no coincidence, but a careful selection. The best.
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